Animations culturelles et festives
Draw me peace
Registration open
Edition 2022
Start of the session
24 September 2022
End of the session
24 September 2022
Draw for peace - press cartoonist : a high risk profession.
Symbol of the freedom of speech, the press cartonists have always been a priviledged target for autoritary powers, political or religious, which do not listen to criticism or satire. All around the world, numerous cartoonist face the censorship and persecution, and are forced to flee from their country when they are not jailed or murdered (as the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo in January 2015)
Testimonies from press cartoonists Gábor Pápai (Hungary), Denis Lopatin (Russia) et Hossien Rezaye (Afghanistan) that Cartooning for Peace gather for the Normandy World Peace Forum, to demonstrate the fragility but significance of this profession to democracy.
Registration open