I graduated from the The Hungarian University of Fine Arts as a graphic designer in 1986.
In 1987, I graduated from the journalism school of MÚOSz (The Association of Hungarian Journalists).
At the end of the 80s, I started drawing caricatures as a result of the political opening (glasnost).
In 1990-91, I was the deputy editor-in-chief of the Lúdas Matyi joke magazine. Between 1992-97 I drew for Magyar Hírlap, I have been a cartoonist at Népszava since 1997.
I am a Brenner and Pulitzer Memorial Prize winner (this is a Hungarian award, not the American Pulitzer Prize) In 2020, the members of the MÚOSz caricature department chose a much-attacked drawing of mine as the caricature of the year, which further fueled the political attacks that developed around the drawing and have not subsided till this day. The government politician who sued the caricature lost in the first instance, but won the case against us in the second instance and in the Kúria, which serves as our highest court. We now turn to the court in Strasbourg for a ruling. With this drawing, against my will, I entered the frontline of the Hungarian media war, which might have played a role in me winning the Kofi Annan Courage in Cartooning award on May 3, 2022 (World Press Freedom Day)