Alexandre Malafaye is the founding president of Synopia, an independent and non-partisan think tank created in 2012. Serving the public interest, Synopia offers ideas and solutions to improve public and private governance in France and Europe, addressing contemporary challenges and promoting transitions and social cohesion, while considering international and long-term issues.
An entrepreneur since the age of 18, Alexandre Malafaye first managed a family business, then created two companies in the service and fashion sectors. In 1993, he joined the Compagnie Générale de Santé, and then Sodexo from 1996 to 2008. Within these two groups, he held several operational management positions, first in the provinces and then in Paris. In parallel with Synopia, Alexandre Malafaye founded Kalix (SAS) in 2018, a company specializing in economic and relational intelligence.
As a writer, he published five suspense novels between 2008 and 2013, and in 2014, an essay titled “Reprenons le pouvoir - Manifeste pour le droit des Français à être bien gouvernés.”
He regularly publishes articles and opinion pieces in the written press and participates in numerous debates on radio and television. He has also taught at Sciences Po. Finally, he is an auditor at IHEDN, a reserve officer (C) in the French Navy, and a member of Medef Paris.