Indice Normandie
The Normandy Index takes into account the 11 threats to Peace defined in the European Union’s Global Strategy: climate change, cybersecurity, democratic processes, economic crises, energy insecurity, fragile states, homicides, freedom of the press, terrorism, violent conflicts, weapons…

Conflicts rarely remain confined to the geographical area where wars occur. As the human, material, and political consequences of wars and conflicts are increasingly felt on a global scale, it is more important than ever to measure the level of threats to peace, security, and democracy worldwide.

The Normandy Index, published since the Normandy Peace Forum in 2019, provides such a measure. The conclusions of the 2024 exercise show that the level of threats to peace has never been higher since the index was first published. This confirms the trend of declining global security, which is explained by conflicts, geopolitical rivalries, increased militarization, and hybrid threats. The conclusions of the 2024 exercise are based on data compiled in 2023 and 2024, to compare the level of peace – defined based on the performance of a given country against a series of predetermined threats – between countries and regions.

Case studies covering 63 countries complete the picture of the current state of peace. Designed and prepared by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), in collaboration with the Institute for Economics and Peace and based on data provided by it, the Normandy Index is published in partnership with the Normandy region.