Bruno Tertrais became the deputy director of the Foundation for Strategic Research in 2017.
His areas of expertise include geopolitics and international relations, defence and military affairs, nuclear power, US policy and transatlantic relations and security in the Middle East and Asia.
He was a senior researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research (2001-2016), assistant to the director of strategic affairs at the French Ministry of Defence (1993-2001) and director of the Civil Affairs Committee of NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly (1990-1993).
From 1995 to 1996, he was a visiting fellow of the RAND Corporation. From 2007 to 2008, he was a member of the White Paper Commission on defence and national security and the White Paper Commission on foreign and European policy. From 2012 to 2013, he was a member of the White Paper Commission on defence and national security.
Bruno Tertrais is a member of: the Group of Eminent Persons of the CTBTO’s Preparatory Commission, the Group of Eminent Persons for the Substantive Advancement of Nuclear Disarmament, the advisory council of the Global US Special Operations Forces Foundation, the executive committee of the Maritime Strategy Centre of the University of Haifa, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the editorial board of The Washington Quarterly and The Journal of Security and Strategic Analyses , the advisory board of Champs de Mars, the advisory board of the Chair of Major Contemporary Strategic International Challenges of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the advisory board of the Chair of Economics and Geopolitics of the Paris School of Business. He is also a senior fellow at the Institut Montaigne. He has a bi-monthly column in the weekly magazine L’Express entitled “Le regard du stratège”.
In 2010, he received the Prix Vauban for his work. In 2013, he received the Grand Prix de L’Impertinence et des Bonnes Nouvelles for an essay entitled Un monde de catastrophes ? Mythes et réalités du progrès. In 2014, he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour. In 2016, he and Jean Guisnel received the Prix Brienne for the geopolitical book of the year for their book Le Président et la Bombe. In 2017, he and Delphine Papin received the Prix Georges Erhard, awarded by the Geography Society, for their book L’Atlas des frontières. His latest book: Le choc démographique. La grande peur de l’Occident (published by Odile Jacob, 2020).