Clémence Bisson is Director of Programmes at the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace. Founded in 2008 by the Normandy Region, the Caen Bar Association, the University of Caen-Normandy, the City of Caen and the Caen Memorial, the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace is an association under the French Law of 1901, the objective of which is to promote human rights, international humanitarian law and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Drawing on its scientific expertise and the methods of education in human rights and democratic citizenship, developed by international organisations such as the Council of Europe, the Institute aims to raise awareness, understanding and promotion of human rights and thereby contribute to the development of a culture of peace by fostering knowledge of human rights among all citizens. To meet this objective, the Institute organises its work around two focal points: the dissemination of human rights and training in human rights education. The International Institute for Human Rights and Peace offers a selection of tailor-made participatory activities that enable participants to listen, to express themselves freely, to understand and respect the opinions of others and to act as a team. Each activity is made up of a period of individual or collective experience, and an essential period of reflection and collaborative evaluation. The Institute also regularly organises training sessions on human rights and democratic citizenship for professionals, civil society organisations, teachers, lawyers and judges. The aim of these training courses is to create mentors who can then re-use the method and tools to help spread a culture of peace throughout society.